Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Going Deep

   The Tigers had a good weekend, and if you are a White Sox fan, I offer my sincerest condolences ... that's  all I'm going to say about that. I do, however, want to say a little more about blogger buddy Alex J. Cavanaugh's latest venture, The Insecure Writer's Support Group. I understand the first Wednesday of the month is the day for members to post, but I noticed that Alex posted today, so, as a charter member, I'll take the liberty to post today as well ... besides, Tuesday is close enough.
  I don't really consider myself an insecure writer ... I'm comfortable in my writing skin ... it's the marketing of my stuff that gives me a case of the whim-whams ... the tooting of the horn, relentlessly, endlessly. First, being a shy person, I'm not comfortable drawing attention to myself. Second, being a good marketer requires a good sense of what's going in the world, and I've got no clue. Third, it helps to be a little tech-savvy to navigate the 'net ... not my thing. Forth, it requires focus, and I have the attention span of a goldfish. Fifth, and most important, good marketing takes endurance ... you've got to keep hammering away ... everywhere and forever ... heck, I get tired just thinking about it.
  I suggested an Insecure Marketer's Group to Alex, but he didn't bite ...  besides, I'm not sure if I would qualify as 'insecure marketer' or just a poor one ... so, I figured I'd infiltrate the IWSG and push my own agenda ... hope Alex doesn't bounce me.


  1. You won't be bounced! Besides, that's still part of being an insecure writer.
    Promoting myself was difficult. I didn't want to be one of those bloggers who constantly talked about their book. So I rarely mention it unless something big has happened. And yet every day I hear from someone new that he or she is reading my book. I think I do better when I don't say anything!

  2. Alex, when I run for office, you are going to be my spin doctor!

  3. Thankfully I haven't reached the stage where I have to worry about promo and marketing, but it terrifies me. Like you, it is something I don't think I would be good at, much less know how to do efficiently and effectively. Forget about the endurance piece.

    I keep hearing promote what you love, not your product. You'll have more fun, your interaction with others will be authentic and the rest will follow. Hopefully that means sales :).

    Nice to meet you, Christopher.

  4. Hi Isis ... yep, marketing sure is scary ... I hope you're right about the 'promote what you love' thing!

  5. Hey, nice to meet a fellow Michigander! I also am okay with the WRITING part--it is the post writing that makes me insecure.

    (and Alex is a pussycat--he won't bump you!)

  6. First of all, I love the name of your blog. Probably because that's how I feel most of the time.

    Second, kudos to you for feeling secure in your writing.

    Third, good luck with that whole marketing thing. Just thinking about it gives me the heebie jeebies.

  7. I'm not at the marketing stage; but there's so much to it that it scares me off even researching it.

  8. It's like marketing my band. I want to play and have good paying gigs because I am blessed with such great musicians, but I have difficulty promoting me. I can promote someone else. Maybe I need a buddy system - a marketing/pr version of stangers on a train!

  9. Hart: Maybe we have movement going here? PS. Love those Tigers!

    Shari: Thanks for the props! Yep, I've got such a bad case of the heebie jeebies that folks think I've contracted a rare form of palsy.

    Golden: Looks like we're building a nice little support group here ... we'll provide shelter.

    Jennifer: You've come to the right place! Hey, I'm a guitar plinker too, check out www.burningtheedge.com for a grin ... have you got a site?

  10. Marketing yourself and your book is indeed intimidating. And scary. And way out of my comfort zone.

  11. Helen: I hear ya ... it's so far out of my comfort zone, I had to provide a different zip code for it.

  12. Hehe! Nice. Marketing is definitely going to be difficult for me, but I do have a wide circle of friends who will help me promote my book when it is out there. I think that is the key. You do most of the work, but don't be afraid to ask for help. Word of mouth is the best way to get known, so have others toot your horn! And ... not in a bad way... XD
