Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Just got a note from the folks at Kindle that by clicking the link below, one can read a little of ol' HEADWIND ... sooooo, being the good blogger that I am, I'm passing it along:

Just got a note from the folks at Kindle that by clicking the link below, one can read a little of ol' HEADWIND ... sooooo, being the good blogger that I am, I'm passing it along:

Monday, June 6, 2016

Holy smokes ... another two years has slipped by! I guess I've been too busy dodging traffic on the Highway of Life to notice. But it has been all good ... living' the dream after all. Uncle Billy has been making noise about moving to Vegas ... says the winters are getting to him. Can't say we wouldn't mind a little peace and quiet a around here ... but we'd miss him if he decides to venture out west. Of course, now that weather has moderated, he's been less vocal about the move ... we'll see.